How do I go Online (to chat with visitors) and Away (to stop receiving chats)?

  • If you manually want to change your status to Away or Online, you click the toggle switcher in the lower left corner.

    To change your status to Online to start receiving chats, click the toggle switcher so that it goes from transparent to filled.

    online to away.png

    If you no longer wish to receive chats from website visitors, you change the status to Away. Click the toggle switcher so that it goes from filled to transparent.

    go away to .png

    If you have ongoing chats when you change your status to Away, you will still be able to finish those after you've changed the status. However, you will not receive new ones. Please note that when choosing the status Away you manually have to reactivate the Online status when wishing to go Online again.

    Feel free to read more about the different statuses and how you can you find your colleagues' statuses! What do the statuses Online, Away and Offline mean? How do I change my status?

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