How do I create a poll in a room?

    1. Go to a room and click the little Create poll icon to the very right in the message field.

      Create poll1.png

    2. Type your question in the Question field and add different options below Options.

      If you want to allow multiple answers, you simply tick the Allow multiple answers box.

      Below Settings you get to choose whether you want your colleagues to be able to add more options or not – tick the Allow anyone to add options box if you want to allow this. You can also choose whether you want your colleagues to be able to edit the poll or not – tick the Allow anyone to edit poll box to allow your colleagues to edit the poll or leave it empty.

      Create poll.png

    3. Click Create poll.

    4. Let your colleagues vote! If you want to know how your colleagues have voted, simply hover the mouse cursor over the options.

      Poll 02.png
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