What do the different columns mean in the Tickets overview?
In the Tickets overview you can find a number of columns. You choose which columns you want to be visible for your overview in the upper right corner.
This is how the Tickets overview might look like, depending on the choices you've made:
- TicketId - states the Ticket-ID.
- Status - states what status the Ticket has (new, reply, pending, solved eller closed).
- Subject - states the Ticket's subject.
- Requester - states who the sender of the Ticket is.
- Updated - states what date and time the last activity happened.
- Group - states which group/mailbox the Ticket was sent to.
- Assignee - states who is assigned to the Ticket.
- Labels - states which label(s) the Ticket has.
- Tags - states which tag(s) the Ticket has.
Starmarked - is always in the Tickets overview and cannot be hidden - star mark the Tickets that you want to keep extra track of!
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