A guide: How do internal private chats work?

  • This guide contains the following chapters:

    1. How to start a chat with a colleague
    2. Functions inside an internal private chat
    3. How to close/hide an internal private chat


    1. How to start a chat with a colleague
    You can start an internal private chat with a colleague in two ways.  

    The first alternative is to click the magnifying glass/search function in the panel to the left in the client, and enter the name of the colleague you want to start a chat with:

    leta upp kollega.png

    The second alternative is to go to the Agents tab, find the colleague in the list and and click the icon with the balloon:

    agents jonathan.png

    2. Functions inside an internal private chat
    möjligheter inuti privatchatt.png

    1. What status is your colleague in – Online, Away or Offline?
    Just below the colleague's profile picture, you see a small circle that can have three different colors: green, orange or gray. The colors indicate different statuses, where green means that the colleague is Online, orange means that the colleague is Away and gray means that the colleague is Offline, i.e. completely logged out.

    Read more about the statuses here: What do the statuses Online, Away and Offline mean? How do I change my status?

    2. Make sticky – make the conversation a favourite/shortcut
    Click the star to make the chat with the colleague a favourite/shortcut. The conversation will then be placed in the panel to the left of the client, and by using the shortcut you can always, no matter where you are in the client, easily open up and chat with your colleague.

    jonathan sticky.png

    3. Search inside the room
    If you are looking for a specific message, you can search for words and sentences that you've written to each other in the conversation.

    4. Your colleague's status
    Here too you can see if the colleague is Online, Away or Offline.

    5. The colleague's name, personal status text & title (department)
    Here you see the colleague's name, if he or she has any personal status text and which title (department) the colleague has.

    6. Groups
    If the colleague belongs to one or more groups, you can see which group or groups the colleague belongs to here.

    7. Add reaction – react to a meddelande
    If you want to react to a message, you move the mouse cursor over the message, click the smiley/Add reaction and choose the emoji that you want to react with. Just below the message, you then see that it has received one or more reactions.

    add reaction pm.png
    reaction added pm.png

    8. The emojis library – send emojis in the room! 😃
    Click the emoji icon or use the shortcut Cmd + J / Ctrl + J, to open up the emojis library and send emojis and smileys to your colleagues.


    Read more here: How do I add an emoji to a message?

    9. Upload file – send files to your colleague
    Click the little paperclip/Upload file to choose one or several files (images, videos, documents etc.) that you want to send to your colleague. You can also use the drag'n'drop function to add files from your desk to the client.

    10. Send GIFs to your colleague
    Click the littly GIF icon/Search gif to open up the window where you can search, choose and send GIFs. In the example below we search for "dance", choose "Happy Fresh Prince GIF by N..." and then send the GIF by clicking Send giphy


    3. How to close/hide an internal private chat
    You close an internal private chat by clicking the small cross next to the colleague's name, in the list with all conversations:

    stänga ned internchatt.png

    When you click the cross, nothing happens more than you hide the chat. All chat history remains until the next time you talk to each other again.

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