How do I use the Search feature in Tickets?

  • You find the search field at the top in the Tickets overview in the ImBox client. You can find a Ticket simply by typing text, but if you click the down arrow you expand your search opportunities.


    In the expanded search field, you can filter out the following things:

    • Requester
      Here you can type a specific e-mail address; suggestions will appear when you start typing
    • Text
      Here you can type freely, if you think you know what you've written in the Ticket
    • Subject
      Here you can type specific words that should be included in the subject
    • Ticket id #
      Here you can search for a specific Ticket-ID


    You can also filter out following things, below Filters:

    • Status...
      If you're looking for a Ticket with a specific status, such as pending or closed, you can select status here
    • Agents...
      If you're looking for a Ticket that is assigned to a specific agent, you can type the agent's name here
    • Starred...
      Here you can select if the Ticket has been starred or not
    • Channels...
      Here you can choose if the Ticket that you're looking for, was sent as E-mail, WebForm, Chat or Agent Created
    • Groups...
      If you're looking for a Ticket that was sent to a specific group, you can select group here
    • Has labels...
      If the Ticket that you're looking for has a specific label, you can select label(s) here
    • Does not have labels...
      If you don't know which label the Ticket that you're looking for has, but can exclude some labels, you can select labels to be excluded here
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