What can I do in the Actions button in an external chat?

  • This article will take you through all of the functions of the Action button (the one with the three vertical dots, in the upper right corner of your chat window).


    Email conversation
    Lets you send the chat history to the visitor or a colleague. In this case, you have no opportunity to edit the chat history before sending it, just add comments.

    Create ticket
    Lets you send the chat history to the visitor or a colleague. The difference between Create ticket and Email conversation, is that when you create a ticket, the chat history becomes more compressed. On the other hand, you can for example edit the chat history, italicize words and attach files before sending the ticket. When you send the Ticket, it'll be sent to the e-mail address that you choose but also end up in your Tickets inbox.

    Send survey (if you're using our CSI-survey)
    This is used to send CSI surveys before closing the chat.

    Identification (if you're using BankID)
    This is used to identify a visitor with BankID.

    Redirect visitor
    Is used to send the visitor to another part of your site, to for example show a certain product the visitor has questions about.

    Transfer chat
    Lets you transfer a chat to another agent, given that the agent is online. 

    Ban visitor
    Is used if you need to ban a visitor. Please note that the visitor is banned on cookie level, which means that the ban doesn't work if the visitor clears out his or her cookies, or changes computer. To ban on IP level, contact ImBox at hello@imbox.se 

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