Support Center 💡
Here you'll find the answers to all frequently asked questions about the client and our services
Where do I find guides for the chat?
How do I use Transfer chat?
How does Redirect visitor work?
How do I adjust the number of chat slots?
A guide: How do internal private chats work?
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How do I tie a Ticket and/or a requester to a customer card in Contacts?
How do I create a new Ticket template?
How do I change requester in Tickets?
How can I work with groups in ImBox?
What's the difference between Ticket templates and Rapid responses?
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What functions are there in an ongoing call?
How do I identify a visitor with BankID in Call?
I want to receive calls on my phone instead, is that possible?
Can I receive calls in the mobile app and the desktop client at the same time?
What does Wrapping up mean?
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Agents & Settings
I want that the first letter in a new sentence to automatically be a capital letter – how do I set this?
Can I link a webpage in rapid response?
How do I set a personal status text?
Where do I find Settings?
I need to reinstall the ImBox client, how do I do it?
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